Monday, January 15, 2007


so many things are different than I thought they would be.

I just got finished looking through the Swain's latest family album. The Swains are the team leaders of the team in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. And I feel sad and happy, which is just a little confusing.

Sad, that I am not enjoying Spain with them, and starting my life over there, but happy that I've had the chance to know and love them. They fast became a part of my heart.

My life is just different now that I planned or expected it to be. Different. Not bad or good because of that. I am amazed at how inadequate my plans for my life are and how little I really understand about the ways of God. Because of the process of preparing for Spain, and leaving Kansas City, my heart has been open to God in ways I've never had before, and I am learning to walk by faith and not by sight. Believe that the Lord is good, having faith and confidence in Him and His way in my life, and not choosing to fear because of what I can and cannot see.

So, I don't know what these next few months will hold, let alone these next few weeks. It'll probably be different than I expected.


Matthew said...


We continue to pray for and with you about the future!


Jenelle said...

A scandalous adventure it is...cheering for you!

Elliott said...

Just stumbled across you through Ben and Becky's blog who I found through my friend Katrina's blog. What you have written about trust resonates so clearly with where I am at now. Why have you not written for over a year? I hope your continued journey of trust is moving forward and maybe you will write more soon.

Adam -

Sharon said...

Hi Lauren Michelle! I hope you are still checking your blog, because I have good news for you!

You won the Notecard Giveaway on Good, True and Beautiful!

I'll post it this afternoon, but in the meantime, I need your permission to send your email address!

Congrats - I hope these are a blessing for you!!

lauren michelle said...

Sharon! How exciting! Luckily I have my comments sent to my inbox because now that Facebook exists I mainly use it. I have never entered one of those giveaways, so this is such a treat! You can give them my email address.. What do I do from here?

Anonymous said...

I have felt very similarly with my move to utah and the work I am doing there. Everything in my life is not ideal or can be compared well to what I used to do but I can honestly say that I have been stretched and have become alive spiritually again. Sometimes not getting what we want in life is the best thing that could happen to us to help stoke our spiritual coals to burn bright for Christ once again.

God has plans for you and He does not make mistakes!

- Micah