Saturday, September 30, 2006

Being a kid again.

When I was growing up, my favorite thing to do was walk 4 blocks to this park that had a creek through it. I would hike down into that creek and go for what felt like miles, jumping from rock to rock, catching crawdads, sliding down muddy slopes on my butt. It was my one place that I felt really free. It was my own little world I would escape into, playing the same stories out in my mind. Imagining friends to play with me. I wouldn't let anyone go with me. It was my sacred ground. I was always annoyed if one of my younger siblings wanted to come along, because that was MY place.

I found myself climbing through brush, hands and knees dirty with mud as I seached for a place to cross the river yesterday. Chloe, 7, and Briar Hanlon, 9, led the way as we made it through our jungle crossing the dangerous river where we found only traces of anyone else finding our sacred space. We helped each other get through tight spots, crossed a slipery log by working together, and made it out alive.

I had looked forward to this time all day. Through the hours of classes and homework.. Finally.

There were not many places in my childhood that I felt free to just be a kid. I was the responsible older sister. Growing up happened fast.
So thank GOD for the sacred spaces in our lives. The places we feel safe to be ourselves. He was present with me in my childhood, and I am revisiting it again.

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