Sunday, September 24, 2006

My gospel is too weak.

We've spent several hours this last week talking about Islam and Hindu belief systems and worldviews, and how to share the one true God with these people. I have felt increasingly overwhelmed by how weak I've made the Gospel. As I went into the Hindu temple I kept praying the blood of Jesus over myself, and in doing so realized how powerful that is.

I walked into a temple, fully aware of the demons festering in that place, disgusted by the idolatry, and yet at peace in my heart because "NO weapon formed against me will prosper", and "at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow, and every tongue confess in heaven and on earth, that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

What is this so called "Good News" that I am "going into all the earth to preach and baptize" in? That there is hope, because Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, came and through His death had VICTORY over death and the powers of Hell, and now we may walk in right relationship to the Father, through the Holy Spirit.

This is powerful...
I've just enjoyed Jesus, the Sidekick.

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